Is Florence Worth Visiting? 15 Pros and Cons + My Opinion

Ah, Florence – the very name conjures images of Renaissance masterpieces, cobbled streets, and a palpable sense of history lingering in the air. But is this Italian gem truly worth all the hype? Is Florence worth visiting or the city doesn’t live up to the expectations?

If you asked me, the straight answer is hell yes, Florence is not only worth visiting but also coming back! I live in Rome and I consider myself lucky enough that I can reach Florence with an easy and short train ride any time I want.

But if you still need to know whether Florence will add value to your trip or if you should swap it with another destination instead, in this guide, I lay out all the pros and cons of visiting the Tuscan capital. Join me on a journey through the winding alleys and bustling piazzas of Florence as we uncover the truth behind its allure.

Image: Is Florence worth visiting?

Pros of visiting Florence

Enormous cultural heritage

Exploring iconic landmarks like the Duomo, Uffizi Gallery, and Ponte Vecchio will allow you to immerse yourself in the Renaissance legacy of the city.

Strolling around its streets and visiting important historical sights like Palazzo Vecchio, San Lorenzo Basilica and Library, and Ponte Vecchio bridge you will follow in the steps of who made this city one of Italy’s most cherished gems.

Art-lovers paradise

Marvel at masterpieces by Michelangelo, Botticelli, Giotto, Titian, Caravaggio, Leonardo da Vinci, and Raphael housed in world-renowned museums and churches. From the world-known Uffizi Art Gallery to the Accademia Gallery to churches like Santa Maria Novella Basilica, Florence is bottomless shrine of artwork of all types.

In fact, whether you are looking for paintings, sculptures, frescoes, or architectural feats, fret not, it won’t take you a long time to find them in Florence.

Delicious local cuisine

Indulge in Tuscan cuisine, savoring authentic dishes like ribollita, bistecca alla fiorentina, and fresh pici pasta from local eateries and markets. Florence is also famous for being the birthplace of gelato and in fact there are many great gelaterias you can indulge in when visiting the Tuscan capital.

Image: Palazzo Pitti shows the beautiful architecture for which Florence is worth visiting.

Beautiful architecture

From majestic cathedrals to elegant piazzas and notable palaces such as Palazzo Vecchio, Florence is one of the must-visit cities of Italy for architecture enthusiasts.

The wonderful complex of Santa Maria del Fiore including Brunelleschi dome, Giotto’s bell tower and the Baptistery of Saint John, the scenic Ponte Vecchio bridge, and Palazzo Pitti are just some of the architectural masterpieces that make Florence a one-of-a-kind gem.

You will love wandering through picturesque piazzas and medieval streets adorned with elegant palaces, each with its unique charm, and also visiting them inside to appreciate the elegant interior decorations.

Scenic views

If you are chasing scenic views, Florence is a great destination. Climb to the top of Piazzale Michelangelo or Fiesole for panoramic vistas of Florence’s red-tiled rooftops and the rolling Tuscan hills beyond.

Do you want to stick to the city center? You will enjoy a fantastic view also climbing Brunelleschi’s dome or Giotto’s bell tower.

Fascinating history

Learn about Florence’s pivotal role in shaping Western civilization through its contributions to art, architecture, and politics. Just like many other cities in Italy, the history of Florence is dotted with important events and local rivalries with the Medici family being one of the most important characters.

Image: Ceramics shopping in Florence.

Leather and ceramic shopping

Florence is famous for its leather goods so walking along boutique-lined streets and bustling markets you will see countless displays of colorful bags and jackets. While they certainly are eye-catching, make sure you don’t fall for the tourist traps and make an informed choice before finalizing your purchase.

Among the places where you can’t go wrong if you want a quality leather product include Casini in Piazza de Pitti and Bemporad in Via Calzaiuoli.

Romantic atmosphere

Enjoy romantic strolls along the Arno River, admiring sunset hues and the Ponte Vecchio’s ancient arches reflecting off the calm water. Take your better half for a dinner with a view in one of Florence rooftop restaurants. Enjoy the view over the rooftops from a hilltop. Finding ideas for a romantic occasion in Florence is never difficult.

Image: Segway tours in Florence.

Bike-friendly city

The first time my husband went to Florence was surprised by how many bikes were darting back and forth. The city center is ZTL (limited traffic zone) so you won’t find many cars and bikes are one of the fastest ways to go around.

This makes it a lovely town to walk and also to relax with some sightseeing on wheels. For example, in Florence you will see many people joining bike and segway tours.

Gateway to Tuscany

To me, this is one of the big reasons why Florence is worth visiting. Reaching fantastic medieval towns like Siena and Lucca and bigger cities like Pisa only takes a short train ride and makes for an unforgettable day out.

Use Florence as a base to explore the enchanting Tuscan countryside, dotted with vineyards, olive groves, and medieval hilltop towns. You can also join one of the many tours to places like San Gimignano and the famous Chianti wine region like this one.

Check out our suggestions for the best day trips from Florence.

Cons of visiting Florence

Crowds and queues

All the pros that make Florence worth visiting are not really a secret to most travelers, so be prepared to deal with large crowds and long queues. This applies especially to popular attractions like the Uffizi Gallery and the Duomo and particularly during peak tourist seasons, so spring and summer.

However, I have been to Florence also in winter and even though crowds were fewer than in spring, the city center and its landmarks weren’t really empty.

Image: Crowds in Florence.

High prices

Florence is quite an expensive destination compared to other Italian cities. You will experience relatively high prices for accommodations, dining, and attractions. While not as expensive as Venice, we found Florence more expensive than Milan in the accommodation and definitely more expensive than Rome in eating out.

Limited parking + ZTL

Being a ZTL has its pros and cons. While you can enjoy a walk with fewer cars, it also means that it becomes challenging for travelers with rental cars. You will have to park outside of the ZTL and likely have to navigate limited parking options.

Summer heat

Endure the sweltering heat and overwhelming crowds during the peak summer months. The summer heat in Florence can be really brutal, just like other cities including Rome, Milan and Parma.

This unfortunately detracts from the overall enjoyment of sightseeing and if summer is the only period you have for a holiday, consider ducking into museums and closed landmarks and also planning some beach breaks.

Pickpocketing and scams

Crowded areas like markets and streets can attract pickpockets and tourist scams so stay vigilant to avoid falling victim to a fraud. A common scam in Florence is the one of the oil paintings placed right behind a corner to make tourists step on them so that the fake artist can claim the money.

There are also the fake deaf people leaving little notes on restaurant tables or train seats begging for money or those who give a “fortune bracelet” for free and then claim the payment. I saw the last one happening in Rome too. The scammer had the bad luck to offer his bracelet to my husband who has very little patience with who asks him for money without a reason so when he was put the bracelet on his hands, he just walked away leaving the scammer pretty speechless.

So, is Florence worth visiting? My honest opinion

I went to Florence over and over again and I can’t wait to be back even only for a day trip from Rome. If it’s your first time in Italy, I think Florence is absolutely worth including in your itinerary, whether you are staying one or two weeks.

Florence has something for everyone and the perk of being quite compact and easy to walk. Foodies, history buffs, and art enthusiasts will always find something to do in Florence and in the whole of Tuscany.


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