One of the many reasons travelers visit Italy is food. Whether you are eating at a restaurant, going grocery shopping, or buying a souvenir for your foodie friend, it’s important that you know what you are ordering or what you are buying. This is why there are some Italian words for foods that you should know while traveling across Italy.
Every Italian region has its own traditional dishes but these Italian words and sentences for foods, drinks, and cooking are common to the whole country.
Along with the Italian words for foods like fruits and veggies, meat and fish, and cereals, this guide provides the most common terms used in Italy for cooking, drinks, and condiments. Finally, I’m going to mention some frequently-used phrases when it comes to foods and eating such as appreciating what you are having or expressing a preference for cooking styles and ingredients.
To make things easier for you, I’m going to include the audio pronouncing some of the common sentences and some of the most popular Italian dishes you might find on restaurants’ menus.

Italian words for veggies
When learning some of the most used Italian words for foods, veggies really are some of the first terms you should go through. Every dish in Italy, whether it’s pasta, meat, or fish, will contain some veggies in one way or the other.
This is why it’s quite important to know the main ones used in Italy, especially if there are some you really don’t like and prefer to avoid.
Italian words | English translation |
Verdura | Vegetables |
Carota | Carrot |
Melanzana | Eggplant |
Cipolla | Onion |
Aglio | Garlic |
Pomodoro | Tomato |
Peperone | Bell pepper |
Finocchio | Fennel |
Sedano | Celery |
Cavoli | Cabbage |
Verza | Savoy cabbage |
Cavolo cappuccio | Green cabbage |
Cavolo nero | Cavolo nero |
Broccoli | Broccoli |
Cavolfiore | Cauliflower |
Ravanello | Radish |
Cicoria | Chicory |
Cime di rapa | Turnip greens |
Bietole | Chard/Swiss chard |
Asparagi | Asparagus |
Carciofo | Artichoke |
Agretti | Agretti |
Zucchina | Zucchini/Courgette |
Cetriolo | Cucumber |
Patata | Potato |
Rapa | Beetroot |
Insalata | Salad |
Lattuga | Lettuce |
Lattuga Romana | Romaine |
Zucca | Pumpkin |
Spinaci | Spinach |
Sedano rapa | Celeriac |
Porro | Leek |
Funghi | Mushrooms |
Rucola | Arugula |
Tartufo | Truffle |

Italian words for fruits
Strictly linked to veggies, in Italy you are going to find plenty of fresh fruits in markets as well as restaurants both in dishes and desserts, and as ingredients of many gelato flavors.
Don’t miss our full guide to the most common gelato flavors in Italian.
Italian words | English translation |
Frutta | Fruits |
Mela | Apple |
Pera | Pear |
Arancia | Orange |
Mandarino | Mandarin |
Clementine | Seedless tangerines |
Pesca | Peach |
Albicocca | Apricot |
Prugna/Susina | Plums |
Fragola | Strawberry |
Anguria | Watermelon |
Melone | Melon |
Uva | Grapes |
Ciliegie | Cherries |
Limone | Lemon |
Fichi | Figs |
Mirtillo | Blueberry |
Mora | Mulberry |
Lampone | Raspberry |
Cachi | Persimmon |
Pompelmo | Grapefruit |
Nespola | Loquat |
Melagrana | Pomegranate |
Ananas | Pineapple |
Oliva | Olive |
Italian words for seeds, nuts and dried fruits
Nuts and dried fruits are also common foods you will find in Italy sold as whole or used as ingredients. Think of pesto made with pine nuts, panettone that contains raisins, and so many gelato flavors based on nuts.
Italian words | English translation |
Nocciola | Hazelnut |
Noce | Walnut |
Mandorla | Almond |
Pistacchio | Pistachio |
Castagna | Chestnut |
Pinoli | Pine nuts |
Arachidi | Peanuts |
Anacardi | Cashew nuts |
Prugne secche | Dried plums |
Uvetta/Uva passa | Raisin |
Fichi secchi | Dried figs |
Datteri | Dates |
Sesamo | Sesame seeds |
Semi di zucca | Pumpkin seeds |
Semi di girasole | Sunflower seeds |
Semi di lino | Flaxseed |
Semi di papavero | Poppy seeds |
Semi di canapa | Hemp seeds |
Italian words for beans and legumes
A large part of Italian culinary tradition is made of beans and legumes, so these are very important if you are learning the basic Italian words for foods.
Italian words | English translation |
Ceci | Chickpeas |
Fagioli borlotti | Beans |
Cannellini | Cannellini beans |
Piselli | Peas |
Lenticchie | Lentils |
Roveja | Wild peas |
Fagioli dell’occhio | Black-eyed peas |
Fagiolini | Green beans |
Fave | Fava beans |
Lupini | Lupin beans |
Cicerchie | Indian peas/White peas/Cicerchie |
Italian words for meat and fish
Even though the famous Mediterranean cuisine had a larger consumption of veggies, beans, and cereals, and the meat was a once-in-a-while meal, many traditional Italian dishes once used for big occasions are meat-based.
Unless you are renting an apartment and cooking your meals indoors, you are going to need to know the main Italian words for foods used in restaurants, and fish and meat play a big role.
Italian words | English translation |
Carne | Meat |
Pesce | Fish |
Frutti di mare | Seafood |
Manzo | Beef |
Vitello | Veal |
Filetto | Filet |
Abbacchio/Agnello | Lamb |
Costina/Costoletta | Rib |
Pecora | Sheep |
Capra | Goat |
Maiale | Pork |
Bistecca | Steak |
Pollo | Chicken |
Petto di pollo | Chicken breast |
Cosce di pollo | Chicken legs |
Ali di pollo | Chicken wings |
Tacchino | Turkey |
Acciughe | Anchovies |
Spigola/Branzino | Seabass |
Orata | Gilthead bream |
Triglia | Striped red mullet |
Pesce spada | Swordfish |
Salmone | Salmon |
Tonno | Tuna |
Sogliola | Sole |
Merluzzo | Codfish |
Pesce azzurro | Bluefish |
Sardina | Sardine |
Sgombro | Mackerel |
Aragosta | Lobster |
Vongole | Clams |
Gamberi | Prawns |
Gamberetti | Shrimps |
Calamari | Squid/calamari |
Seppie | Cuttlefish |
Polpo | Octopus |
Bottarga | Mullet roe |
Uovo/Uova | Egg/Eggs |

Italian words for cold cuts
From the guanciale used in the amatriciana recipe to Prosciutto San Daniele from Friuli-Venezia Giulia to mortadella from Emilia-Romagna, cold cuts and cured meat is often found in Italian food stores and restaurants. Learn the words so that you don’t get confused about what to order!
Italian words | English translation |
Insaccati | Cured meat/Cold cuts |
Salsiccia | Sausage |
Salame | Salami |
Prosciutto crudo | Dry cured ham |
Prosciutto cotto | Baked ham |
Mortadella | Mortadella |
Speck | Northern Italian cured meat |
Guanciale | Cured pork cheek |
Pancetta | Pork belly |
Bresaola | Air-dried salted beef |

Italian words for dairy products and cheese
In this section, you will learn the main Italian words used for dairy products, so milk and different types of cheese.
Italian words | English translation |
Latte | Milk |
Latte intero | Whole milk |
Latte scremato | Skimmed milk |
Latte parzialmente scremato | Semi-skimmed milk |
Formaggio | Cheese |
Yogurt | Yoghurt |
Stracciatella | Stracciatella soft cheese |
Mozzarella | Mozzarella |
Mozzarella di bufala | Buffalo mozzarella |
Stracchino | Stracchino soft cheese |
Gorgonzola | Gorgonzola |
Parmigiano Reggiano | Parmesan |
Pecorino | Pecorino sheep milk cheese |
Ricotta | Ricotta |
Burro | Butter |
Latte in polvere | Powder milk |
Italian words for cereals
A big staple of the Italian gastronomy, you are going to find grains and cereals in every region. Here, you will find the Italian words of all the grains we use to cook, make bread, and prepare cakes.
Italian words | English translation |
Riso | Rice |
Riso Venere | Black rice |
Orzo | Barley |
Grano saraceno | Buckwheat |
Farro | Farro/Spelt |
Grano/Frumento | Wheat |
Miglio | Millet |
Avena | Oat |
Amaranto | Amaranth |
Segale | Rye |
Sorgo | Sorghum |
Integrale | Whole-grain/unprocessed |
Semi-integrale/Decorticato | Semi-wholegrain |
Decorticato | Dehusked |
Raffinato | Refined |
Perlato | Pearl/Pearly |
Fiocchi d’avena | Oat flakes |

Italian words for flour and baked goods
These are the preparations made with grains and cereals as well as sweeteners common in Italian stores. While some of the words have become international, like pasta and spaghetti, here there are other Italian words for foods that needs to be translated.
Italian words | English translation |
Farina | Flour |
Farina 00 | All-purpose flour |
Farina di tipo 2 | Semi-wholegrain flour |
Farina integrale | Wholegrain flour |
Pasta | Pasta |
Spaghetti | Spaghetti |
Pane | Bread |
Panino | Sandwich |
Torta | Cake |
Biscotti | Cookies |
Pasta/Impasto | Dough |
Dolce | Dessert |
Ciambella | Donut/Doughnut |
Crostata | Tart |
Tiramisu | Tiramisu |
Caramella | Candy |
Italian words for herbs and spices
We love herbs and spices and we use them a lot to cook. So these are important to include if you are learning the basic Italian words for foods for either just a trip or to live in Italy.
Italian words | English translation |
Basilico | Basil |
Prezzemolo | Parsley |
Origano | Oregano |
Rosmarino | Rosemary |
Salvia | Sage |
Erba cipollina | Chives |
Menta | Mint |
Timo | Thyme |
Pepe | Black pepper |
Peperoncino | Hot chili pepper |
Maggiorana | Marjoram |
Zafferano | Saffron |
Anice | Anise |
Cumino | Cumin |
Curcuma | Turmeric |
Chiodi di garofano | Cloves |
Noce moscata | Nutmeg |
Alloro | Bay leaf |
Zenzero | Ginger |
Dragoncello | Tarragon |
Aneto | Dill |
Finocchietto | Wild fennel |
Coriandolo | Coriander |
Cannella | Cinnamon |
Italian words for condiments, sauces, seasonings, and sweeteners
When you eat in Italy, it’s also important to know the Italian terms for foods used to season, dress, and sweeten. Here are some of the most common.
Italian words | English translation |
Zucchero | Sugar |
Cioccolato | Chocolate |
Miele | Honey |
Marmellata | Jam |
Olio | Oil |
Olio extravergine di oliva | Extravirgin olive oil |
Aceto | Vinegar |
Aceto di mele | Apple vinegar/cider |
Aceto di vino bianco | White vinegar |
Aceto balsamico | Balsamic vinegar |
Sale | Salt |
Sale fino | Table salt |
Sale grosso | Coarse salt |
Agrodolce | Sweet and sour |
Sugo al pomodoro | Tomato sauce |
Italian words for cooking
These are some of the Italian terms used for cooking such as stew or deep-frying. Along with the ingredients, you might need to know how to communicate the way you prefer your dish to be prepared.
Italian words | English translation |
Lesso | Stew |
Bollire/Bollito | To boil/Boiled |
In ammollo | Soak |
Arrostire/Arrosto | To roast/Roasted |
Al sugo | On a sauce |
Al forno | In the oven/Baked |
Fritto | Deep-fried |
Soffritto | Stir-fried |
Bistecca al sangue | Rare steak |
Allo spiedo | Spit-roasted |
Congelato | Frozen |
Besciamella | Béchamel |
Brodo | Broth/Stock |
Cotto | Cooked |
Crudo | Raw |
Ripieno | Stuffed |
Italian words for drinks
Whether you are ordering a glass of red wine or a cup of coffee, it’s important that you know how to say it. In restaurants, bistros, cafes, and even bars, you can order both alcohol, soft drinks, and coffee.
If you want to have a glass of wine but without spending too much, you can order “vino della casa”, which means house wine in Italian. Don’t be mistaken by the fact that it’s an inexpensive option as sometimes it can be very good and a local product.
Here are some Italian words for drinks it’s handy to know.
>> For more tips, check out our guide to having breakfast in Italy.
Italian words | English translation |
Birra | Beer |
Vino | Wine |
Vino rosso | Red wine |
Vino bianco | White wine |
Vino rosato | Rosé wine |
Spumante | Sparkling wine |
Caffè | Coffee |
Cappuccino | Cappuccino |
Tè verde | Green tea |
Tisana | Infusion |
Spremuta d’arancia | Orange juice (freshly squeezed) |
Centrifuga | Juice |
Frullato | Smoothie |

Common Italian phrases and words for foods and drinks – Audio
These are some of the common Italian phrases about food you will hear in Italy and that are important to know.
Questa pasta è scotta, la preferisco al dente
This pasta is overcooked, I prefer it al dente
Ho mangiato troppo
I ate too much
In inverno le zucchine non sono di stagione
In winter, zucchini is not in season
Le uova mi piacciono alla coque
I like the eggs soft-boiled
Nella ricetta dei bucatini all’amatriciana non ci vuole l’olio
The recipe of bucatini amatriciana doesn’t require oil
Sono allergico ai latticini
I’m allergic to dairy products
Andato a male
Gone bad
To eat
To drink
To taste
To cook
To have lunch
To have dinner
Buon appetito
Enjoy your meal
È pronto
The food is ready
A tavola!
Come to eat!
Ti piace?
Do you like it?
Don’t miss our article with all the dos and don’ts of eating in Italy!

Famous dishes in Italian – Audio
This is the audio of some of the most famous Italian dishes. Some are regional fares such as the Roman dishes bucatini amatriciana and tonnarelli cacio e pepe. Others are pretty common and served in many restaurants around Italy such as lasagna, pizza, and soups of some sort.
>> Check out our top tips on how to order food in Italian!
Tagliatelle al ragù
Spaghetti alla carbonara
Bucatini all’amatriciana
Tonnarelli cacio e pepe
Fettuccine ai funghi porcini
This is fettuccine fresh egg-based pasta with porcini mushrooms
These are general terms for soup. Usually, minestra includes also some small pasta while zuppa is only vegetables, beans, and a type of grain.
Trofie al pesto
Bistecca alla fiorentina
This is the typical steak Florentine-style, sold by weight and always served rare with the option of having it more cooked with a second go.
This is the famous egg-based omelette Italian style. It’s usually cooked on the pan but for a lighter version, you can cook it in the oven, too.
This is a Tuscan soup made with beans, vegetables, and stale bread.
Abbacchio allo scottadito
This is lamb Roman style and it consists of grilled lamb ribs. They are served very hot to appreciate the crunchiness outside and softness inside. In Rome, you can also find the lamb cooked in the oven and served with potatoes, also roasted.
Tortellini in brodo
Triglia al cartoccio
Polpette al sugo
What do Italians say when they like the food?
These are all Italian words you can use when you are liking the food you are eating.
- Buono/buonissimo
- Gustoso
- Saporito
- Delizioso
- Squisito
Here is how they are used in some sentences:
>> Il pranzo era delizioso – The lunch was delicious
>> Questo sugo è squisito – This sauce is delicious/excellent
>> Questo formaggio è molto saporito – This cheese is very tasty